About Us

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About Us- Decibel Clinic

The quality of life is improved by Decibel Speech and Hearing Aid Center. Hearing loss due to congenital reasons is addressed. Advanced technology and medical facilities are combined. Years of experience are also utilized. A chance to perceive sound is provided. Leading a quality life is the goal. Punjab Optical Pvt. Ltd. owns Decibel Clinic. The Late Dr. P.C Malik set it up. Mr. Yash Malik and Karan Malik lead it now. The clientele is spread across India. International clients are also served.

Technological advancement and numerous leaps in medical science has now made possible to perceive and hear sound through the use of hearing aids. People suffering from various types of hearing loss can benefit from these aids. However, not everyone is aware of such aids and at Decibel Clinic we make it a point to educate people and make them aware about hearing aids.

At Decibel, only the latest and top notch machines obtained from authorized dealer are used to provide solutions to people suffering from hearing loss. We work dedicatedly towards reaching out to patients and educate them about the possibilities of being able to hear again through use of hearing aids.


Practical solutions are promised by our audiologists. A thorough diagnosis is done first. Treatment for impairment is then enabled. Branded products are relied upon. The best products are advised. Quality aids are ensured. Individual requirements are met.

The steps we follow at Decibel Clinic: Diagnosis at Our Hearing Aid Center

Hearing loss could be due to several reasons and we believe in through diagnosis before jumping on to conclusions and prescribing you products. Basis your diagnostic results of auditory senses we classify the loss and problem as severe, tough or normal. In normal cases, our audiologists and hearing consultants do not very much rely on instruments or hearing aid; rather they try to tackle the problem without their use. However, in case of tough or severe cases the treatment methods are different and do include use of hearing aids..


Our expert audiologists prescribe only the best quality and high efficiency hearing aid ensuring the perception of sound is impeccable or as close to natural sense of hearing. We believe that for every case there is a dedicated type of hearing aid to be prescribed.

Supervision Under a Reliable Hearing Aids Dealer
Once our doctors have prescribed you an aid, it is now up to a reliable dealer to offer you the best quality product. It is a usual practice to monitor the efficiency and quality of the aid for the first week before we move ahead with the treatment.
Our health facility is where we fix the instrument for further usage. At the time of installation, our exerts make it a point to deliver highest quality of service ensuring that people enjoy their newfound sense of hearing without any problem.

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