Service - Hearing Tests

hearing tests

Ear Care & Hearing premium Tests at Decibel Clinic

Maintaining good ear health contributes to your overall health being. Good ear care helps you have more effective communication, lets you experience every moment and maintains the balance of your lifestyle with hearing permium test. 

But the main question here is how you can have better ear care. Well, it all starts with regular hearing premium tests. From preventing infections to preserving your hearing abilities, these tests for your ear care are the most important players that add to your whole healthcare. At Decibel Clinic, we conduct hearing tests and ear care to free you from any ear infection or pain.

The Role of Hearing in Overall Health and Well-Being

Hearing is a critical sense that significantly impacts our overall health and well-being. It plays a vital role in various aspects of our lives, from communication and social interaction to mental health and safety.

Effective Communication: Hearing is essential for understanding speech and engaging in conversations. It helps us to communicate effectively with family, friends, and colleagues, fostering strong relationships and a sense of community.

Social Engagement: Good hearing enables active participation in social activities, such as attending gatherings, events, and meetings. This participation helps prevent feelings of isolation and loneliness, which are linked to numerous negative health outcomes.

Social Interaction

Mental Stimulation: Engaging in conversations and processing auditory information stimulates the brain, keeping it active and healthy. This mental stimulation can help delay cognitive decline and reduce the risk of dementia.

Learning and Development: For children hearing is prominent for language development and learning. Hearing impairments can lead to delays in speech and language skills, affecting academic performance and social development.

Emotional Health: Hearing loss can lead to frustration, anxiety, and depression due to difficulties in communication and social interactions. Maintaining good hearing health supports emotional well-being by enabling more effortless engagement with the world around us.

Self-Esteem: Effective communication boosts self-confidence and self-esteem. Individuals with untreated hearing loss may experience reduced confidence, affecting their overall quality of life.

Emotional And Psychological
Physical Health

Safety and Awareness: Hearing is essential for environmental awareness and safety. It allows us to detect important sounds such as alarms, traffic, and warnings, helping to prevent accidents and injuries.

Balance and Coordination: The inner ear plays a crucial role in maintaining balance. Hearing issues, particularly those related to the inner ear, can lead to balance problems and an increased risk of falls.

Life Satisfaction: Hearing contributes significantly to overall life satisfaction by enabling active participation in various aspects of life. 

Those with good hearing health often enjoy a higher quality of life, marked by richer experiences and more fulfilling relationships.

The Impact of Hearing Loss on Daily Life, Communication, and Mental Health

Hearing loss significantly affects various aspects of an individual’s life, from daily activities and communication to mental health.

Impact on Daily Life

Difficulty in Routine Activities: Hearing loss can make everyday tasks challenging, such as watching TV, listening to the radio, or following conversations in noisy environments. Simple pleasures like enjoying music or natural sounds can also be affected.

Safety Concerns: Hearing impairment can pose safety risks. Difficulty hearing alarms, sirens, or approaching vehicles can lead to accidents and injuries. Tasks that require auditory cues, such as cooking (hearing a timer or boiling water), can become hazardous.

Professional Challenges: Hearing loss can hinder job performance, especially in roles requiring clear communication and interaction. This limitation can affect productivity, job satisfaction, and career advancement opportunities.

Impact on Communication

Strained Conversations: People with hearing loss often struggle to understand speech, especially in noisy environments or when multiple people are speaking. This difficulty can lead to frequent misunderstandings and the need for others to repeat themselves, causing frustration on both sides.

Social Isolation: Communication barriers can lead to withdrawal from social interactions. Individuals may avoid gatherings, meetings, and conversations, feeling embarrassed or frustrated by their inability to follow discussions. This avoidance can lead to social isolation and loneliness.

Relationship Strain: Hearing loss can strain relationships with family, friends, and colleagues. Misunderstandings and the need for constant repetition can create tension and reduce the quality of interactions.

Impact on Mental Health

Increased Anxiety and Depression: Studies have shown a strong link between hearing loss and mental health issues. The frustration and social isolation caused by hearing impairment can lead to anxiety and depression. Individuals may feel left out or disconnected from their surroundings, contributing to feelings of sadness and hopelessness.

Cognitive Decline: Untreated hearing loss is associated with an increased risk of cognitive decline and dementia. The brain’s reduced stimulation due to hearing loss can accelerate cognitive deterioration, impacting memory, attention, and problem-solving abilities.

Reduced Quality of Life: Overall, hearing loss significantly reduces the quality of life. The combined effects of social withdrawal, communication difficulties, and mental health challenges can make daily life less enjoyable and more stressful.

Statistics on Hearing Loss Prevalence

Global Prevalence: According to the World Health Organization (WHO), over 1.5 billion people globally live with some degree of hearing loss. This number is expected to rise to over 2.5 billion by 2050.

Prevalence of Hearing Loss in India

In India, hearing loss is a significant public health issue. Approximately 63 million people, or about 6.3% of the population, suffer from significant auditory impairment. This includes both mild and severe hearing loss across different age groups and regions.

Adults: The prevalence of adult-onset hearing loss in India is estimated at 7.6%, with a notable increase in incidence as individuals age. For example, more than 50% of people over the age of 60 experience hearing loss​ (World Health Organization (WHO))​​ (Adro Hearing Aid Centre)​.

Children: About 4 in 100 children in India suffer from serious hearing loss ranging from severe to profound. Each year, approximately 100,000 babies are born with hearing deficiencies.

Why Hearing Test Is Important?
Detecting early hearing loss:
A hearing test can help you see hearing loss, ear infection, ear pain cause, discharge, lumps, or any object in the ear.
Identifying any underlying health issue:-
Our ear’s nerves are linked to Alzheimer’s disease, heart conditions, chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes and more.
Identifying the type of hearing loss:-

A person dealing with emerging hearing loss can identify the type of hearing loss with the help of ear tests.

Balancing complete health care:-
Regular hearing tests help you maintain a healthy ear for life and balance your lifestyle.
Types of Hearing Tests At Decibel Clinic
Pure-Tone Testing:

Procedure: Patients wear headphones and listen to tones at various frequencies and volumes, signaling when they hear a sound. This test produces an audiogram that maps hearing sensitivity.

Purpose: Identifies the quietest sound a person can hear at different frequencies.

Speech Testing:

Procedure: Patients listen to and repeat words or sentences, often in quiet and noisy environments.

Purpose: Assesses the ability to understand speech and diagnose specific hearing issues related to speech recognition.

Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR):

Procedure: Electrodes are placed on the scalp to measure the brain’s response to sounds, typically clicks or tones.

Purpose: Evaluates the function of the auditory nerve pathways and diagnoses neurological issues or hearing loss in individuals unable to take standard tests.

Otoacoustic Emissions (OAE):

Procedure: A probe placed in the ear canal emits sounds and measures the echo produced by the cochlea.

Purpose: Screens for cochlear (inner ear) damage, particularly in newborns and young children.

Who Needs A Hearing Test?

Anyone facing some issues related to the ear should surely get a test. But here’s a clear description of people requiring hearing tests:-

  • People who are above 50 are common people who deal with hearing loss; getting regular tests helps them detect any age-related changes in their hearing.
  • The importance of ear tests increases when it comes to children and infants. Inbirth hearing loss and development issues can identified early with the help of these tests.
  • People with sensitive ears and risk factors like loud noise, family history of hearing loss, or any medical conditions should get a test to monitor their hearing health.
  • Anyone experiencing symptoms of hearing loss, such as difficulty in understanding speech, ear infections, or ringing in the ears, should visit a clinic to get their ear tested on a regular basis.
  • People working in noisy environments like construction areas, factories or the music industry should go for a hearing test once in a while.
Why Choose Decibel Clinic For Your Ear Care And Hearing Test?
hearing tests
With a team of audiologists and ENT experts, Decibel comes forward to provide the best ear care and hearing tests. Brimmed with advanced facilities and the latest technology, we offer full-fledged services, including speech therapy tailored to your hearing requirements.
Unlike other clinics, Decibel’s team doesn’t rush into providing hearing aids. We prioritize a thorough assessment and testing process to accurately identify the type and extent of hearing loss. From there, we create a personalized treatment plan to understand your specific needs and preferences.
Our responsibility to your long-term hearing health ensures that you receive the most effective and suitable solutions for your unique situation.
What To Expect During Our Ear Care & Hearing Test ?

Our team will start with a discussion session to learn about your medical history and ear infection (if any).

Moving further into the process, Our Audiologists will conduct a ear test to learn more about your hearing abilities and ear health.

Once the testing process is complete, Decibel’s team will review the results and discuss any positive impact towards hearing loss.
Based on the results, your treatment will be created to address any identified issue and improve your hearing health.
We continue our follow-up care to monitor your hearing progress and make any important changes to your treatment plan.
Lifestyle Tip For Ear Health ?

Getting your ears tested is one thing, and maintaining your ear health every day is another. Here We have some very general and easy tips for your ear care:-

hearing tests
Our Services
hearing tests
Hearing Test
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